
Zyte API is replacing Smart Proxy Manager. It is no longer possible to sign up to Smart Proxy Manager. If you are an existing Smart Proxy Manager user, see Migrating from Smart Proxy Manager to Zyte API.

Using Smart Proxy Manager with Python#


This code uses Requests version 2.18. Using previous versions can lead to authentication 407 errors, hence ensure Requests version is at least 2.18.

Here is a code example that illustrates how to use Smart Proxy Manager with Python Requests library:

import requests

url = "http://httpbin.org/ip"
proxy_host = "proxy.zyte.com"
proxy_port = "8011"
proxy_auth = "<Smart Proxy Manager API KEY>:" # Make sure to include ':' at the end
proxies = {"https": "http://{}@{}:{}/".format(proxy_auth, proxy_host, proxy_port),
      "http": "http://{}@{}:{}/".format(proxy_auth, proxy_host, proxy_port)}

r = requests.get(

    f"Requesting [{url}]\n\n"
    f"through proxy [{proxy_host}]\n\n"
    "Request Headers:"
    f"Response Time: {r.elapsed.total_seconds()}\n\n"
    f"Response Code: {r.status_code}\n\n"
    f"Response Headers: {r.headers}\n\n"
    f"Response Cookies: {r.cookies.items()}\n\n"
    f"Response Body: {r.text}\n"

To run the example first install and configure the Zyte CA certificate for the requests library.