Code example requirements#

The Zyte API documentation features code examples for many different technologies.

You can find those examples in pages like Zyte API HTTP requests, Zyte API browser automation, Zyte API automatic extraction, or Zyte API shared features.

Select a technology tab below to learn how to install and configure the requirements to run code examples for that technology:

C# code examples use C# 9.0.

To run C# code examples, install:

CLI client code examples feature the command-line interface of python-zyte-api, the official Python client of Zyte API, along with other command-line tools.

To run CLI client code examples, install:

  • jq, for JSON parsing.

  • base64, for base64 encoding and decoding.

    • On Windows, you can use chocolatey to install GNU Core Utilities, which includes a base64 command-line application.

    • macOS comes with a base64 command-line application pre-installed.

    • Most Linux distributions come with GNU Core Utilities pre-installed, or make it easy to install it. GNU Core Utilities includes a base64 command-line application.

  • xmllint, for HTML parsing.

    • On Windows, install libxml2, which provides xmllint.

    • macOS comes with xmllint pre-installed.

    • Most Linux distributions make it easy to install libxml2, which provides xmllint.

  • xargs, for parallelization.

    • On Windows, you can use chocolatey to install GNU findutils, which includes a xargs command-line application.

    • macOS comes with a xargs command-line application pre-installed.

    • Most Linux distributions come with GNU findutils pre-installed, or make it easy to install it. GNU findutils includes a xargs command-line application.

curl code examples feature curl and other command-line tools.

To run curl code examples, install:

  • curl, for requests.


    curl comes pre-installed in many operating systems.

  • jq, for JSON parsing.

  • base64, for base64 encoding and decoding.

    • On Windows, you can use chocolatey to install GNU Core Utilities, which includes a base64 command-line application.

    • macOS comes with a base64 command-line application pre-installed.

    • Most Linux distributions come with GNU Core Utilities pre-installed, or make it easy to install it. GNU Core Utilities includes a base64 command-line application.

  • xmllint, for HTML parsing.

    • On Windows, install libxml2, which provides xmllint.

    • macOS comes with xmllint pre-installed.

    • Most Linux distributions make it easy to install libxml2, which provides xmllint.

  • xargs, for parallelization.

    • On Windows, you can use chocolatey to install GNU findutils, which includes a xargs command-line application.

    • macOS comes with a xargs command-line application pre-installed.

    • Most Linux distributions come with GNU findutils pre-installed, or make it easy to install it. GNU findutils includes a xargs command-line application.

Java code examples use Java SE 8.

To run Java code examples, install:

JS code examples use JavaScript.

To run JS code examples, install:

PHP code examples use PHP 7.4.

To run PHP code examples, install:

Proxy mode code examples use curl with Zyte API as a proxy. See the curl tab for code example requirement details.

See Zyte API proxy mode to learn how to use Zyte API as a proxy with other technologies.

Python code examples use Python 3.

To run Python code examples, install:

Python client code examples feature the asyncio API of python-zyte-api, the official Python client of Zyte API.

To run Python client code examples, install:

Ruby code examples use Ruby 3.x.

Scrapy code examples feature Scrapy with the scrapy-zyte-api plugin configured in transparent mode.

To run Scrapy code examples, install:

After installing scrapy-zyte-api, you must also configure it in your Scrapy project. If you configure it enabling its components separately instead of enabling the add-on, you also need to set ZYTE_API_TRANSPARENT_MODE to True.


The web scraping tutorial covers installing and configuring the requirements for Scrapy code examples.